How Do I Endorse My OOW CoC To Chief Mate?

NOTE: Updating Training for CoC applications- anyone serving on board ship, who holds any of the following certificates must, as of 1st January 2017, have documentary evidence of either completing the training course or updating training within the last 5 years:
- Personal Survival Techniques
- Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats (CPSC & RB)
- Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (PFRB)
- Basic Fire Fighting
- Advanced Fire Fighting
There are 3 ways in which you can apply for a Chief Mate <3000gt (Yachts) CoC:
1. If you already have an OOW <3000gt (Yachts) CoC:
Download the application form from the MCA website. Fill this in, and include in your application the following original certificates:
Your OOW CoC
Advanced Fire Fighting Certificate
Proficiency in Medical First Aid Aboard Ship
RYA Yachtmaster Ocean shorebased certificate and practical CoC (commercially endorsed) or IYT Master of Yachts 200 tonnes (Unlimited) Certificate (you don’t need to have a shorebased Yachtmaster Ocean certificate if your Yachtmaster CoC was issued before 31st July 2003. If you completed a Yachtmaster Coastal CoC to obtain your OOW CoC, you will need to hold an RYA Yachtmaster Ocean ‘Certificate of Completion’. This is detailed here)
Human Element Leadership & Management (Management Level) certificate
ECDIS certificate (after 1st January 2014, and if this wasn’t submitted with your OOW CoC application)
You will then be issued with the Chief Mate (Yachts) CoC
2. If you have an NoE to sit the OOW <3000gt (Yachts) oral exam:
Once you have successfully completed the OOW oral exam, you are required to return the pass NoE to the MCA in Southampton for issue of your OOW CoC. At this time, you can enclose the following certificates and the MCA will issue a Chief Mate CoC instead of an OOW:
Advanced Fire Fighting Certificate
Proficiency in Medical First Aid Aboard Ship
RYA Yachtmaster Ocean shorebased certificate and practical CoC (commercially endorsed) or IYT Master of Yachts 200 tonnes (Unlimited) Certificate (you don’t need to have a shorebased Yachtmaster Ocean certificate if your Yachtmaster CoC was issued before 31st July 2003. If you completed a Yachtmaster Coastal CoC to obtain your OOW CoC, you will need to hold an RYA Yachtmaster Ocean ‘Certificate of Completion’. This is detailed here)
Human Element Leadership & Management (Operational & Management Level) certificates (as the 3 day course is required for those candidates not already holding an OOW CoC, both HELM courses must be done at this level)
ECDIS certificate (after 1st January 2014, and if this wasn’t submitted with your OOW CoC application)
3. If you do not yet have the NoE for the OOW <3000gt (Yachts):
When you are applying for the NoE for OOW, you can enclose in your application the certificates required for the Chief Mate upgrade:
Advanced Fire Fighting Certificate
Proficiency in Medical First Aid Aboard Ship
RYA Yachtmaster Ocean shorebased certificate and practical CoC (commercially endorsed) or IYT Master of Yachts 200 tonnes (Unlimited) Certificate (you don’t need to have a shorebased Yachtmaster Ocean certificate if your Yachtmaster CoC was issued before 31st July 2003. If you completed a Yachtmaster Coastal CoC to obtain your OOW CoC, you will need to hold an RYA Yachtmaster Ocean ‘Certificate of Completion’. This is detailed here)
Human Element Leadership & Management (Operational & Management Level) certificates (as the 3 day course is required for those candidates not already holding an OOW CoC, both HELM courses must be done at this level)
ECDIS certificate (after 1st January 2014)
You will be issued with an NoE for OOW <3000gt, but once you have passed the oral exam you will be issued with a Chief Mate <3000gt (Yachts) CoC.
To find out how to apply for the OOW <3000gt (Yachts) NoE click here
JPMA offers oral preparation courses for the OOW and Chief Mate oral exam. Click here for details.