Master (Workboats Less Than 500gt) CoC

This STCW Master (Workboats) <500gt CoC was announced by the MCA at Seawork Exhibition 2013, after over 5 years of consultation with JPMA and the National Workboat Association. Full details are included in MGN 496.

There are several entry routes – if you have any of the below CoCs you may begin the relevant courses to achieve the Master (Workboats) <500gt CoC:

Master (Code Vessels) <200gt

OOW Unlimited

OOW (Yachts) <3000gt

Master (Yachts) <3000gt

Fishing Class 1 (UK)

NOTE: Updating Training for CoC applications- anyone serving on board ship, who holds any of the following certificates must have documentary evidence of either completing the training course or updating training within the last 5 years:

  • Personal Survival Techniques
  • Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats (CPSC & RB)
  • Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (PFRB)
  • Basic Fire Fighting
  • Advanced Fire Fighting

In all cases candidates are advised to undertake the courses in stages, i.e. OOW courses complete before moving onto Master level courses.

The MCA advise:

Training module passes are valid for three years except for the workboat module, which is five years. The training module pass certificate must be in date at the time of issue of the CoC. As there are a large number of modules to undertake you are advised to obtain the MCA OOW (yachts <3000 GT) CoC where circumstances may preclude you from completing within the three year validity of the training modules. The OOW (yachts <3000 GT) modules are not then required to be presented for the Master (Workboat <500 GT) within the three year validity. You will be required to meet any sea time requirements regardless of the route you take.

Requirements for the various entry routes:

Candidates with a Master (Code vessel <200 GT) CoC

To qualify for issue of Master Workboat <500 GT you must meet all of the following requirements:

a) Complete 36 months sea service in vessels of any size, including not less than 12 months sea service and 120 days watchkeeping service in vessels 15 metres or over in load line length, whilst holding a Master (Code vessel <200 GT). You must have completed 6 months sea service on a workboat of 15m or over in load line length. (NOTE: your 6 months service on board a workboat can be completed within the 12 months specified above, however this is not mandatory)

b) Have completed the approved Workboat Training Record Book

c) Hold the following additional certificates;

(OOW Level Courses)

GMDSS General Operators Certificate (GOC)

Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (PSC&RB)(STCW A-VI/2-1) or Advanced Sea Survival for Yachtsmen certificate

Certificate of successful completion of ‘Navigation and Radar (OOW Yachts)’ training module and examination

Certificate of successful completion of ‘General Ship Knowledge (OOW Yachts)’ training module and examination

Efficient Deck Hand (EDH) Certificate

(Chief Mate Level Courses)

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Shorebased certificate. (NOTE: not required if you hold a YM Ocean practical certificate issued before 31st July 2003. If you hold an IYT equivalent certificate the shorebased course is already included and is not a separate requirement)

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean CoC. (NOTE: If you hold a Yachtmaster Offshore or equivalent, you will be issued with Master Workboat less than 500GT Near Coastal. This certificate is for use in UK near coastal waters only)

Certificate of Proficiency in Advanced Fire Fighting (STCW A-VI/3)

Certificate of Proficiency in Medical First Aid (STCW A-VI/4-1)

(Master Level Courses)

Certificate of Proficiency for Person in Charge of Medical Care on Board Ship (STCW A-VI/4-2)

Certificate of successful completion of ‘Seamanship and Meteorology (Master Yachts)’ training module and examination

Certificate of successful completion of ‘Stability (Master Yachts)’ training module and examination

Certificate of successful completion of ‘Business and Law (Master Yachts)’ training module and examination

Certificate of successful completion of ‘Navigation, Radar and ARPA Simulator (Master Yachts)’ training module and examination

Human Element, Leadership and Management (Management Level) Course

Certificate of successful completion of ‘Workboat Operations (Master Workboats)’ training module plus an examination pass certificate

(NOTE: because of the cross syllabus nature of this module and prior knowledge is assumed, it is recommended that the Stability and Seamanship modules are completed before attempting the Workboat Operations training module and exam.)

d) Pass the Master Workboat <500 GT oral examination

e) candidates who have not completed a MCA approved ECDIS course or a NARAS/NAEST course will have their CoC endorsed:

‘Not for use on ECDIS equipped ships after 31 December 2016’.

Candidates with a United Kingdom OOW Unlimited CoC

To qualify for issue of Master Workboat <500 GT you must meet all of the following requirements:

a) Hold a United Kingdom OOW Unlimited CoC

b) Complete 12 months sea service whilst holding an OOW Unlimited CoC, including not less than 120 days watchkeeping service in vessels of 15m or over in loadline length. You must have completed 6 months sea service on a workboat of 15m or over in load line length. (NOTE: your 6 months service on board a workboat can be completed within the 12 months specified above, however this is not mandatory)

c) Have completed the approved Workboat Training Record Book

d) Hold the following additional certificates:

Certificate of Proficiency for Person in Charge of Medical Care on Board Ship (STCW A-VI/4-2)

Certificate of successful completion of ‘Business and Law (Master Yachts)’ training module and examination.

Human Element, Leadership and Management (Management Level) Course

GMDSS General Operators Certificate (GOC)

Certificate of successful completion of ‘Workboat Operations (Master Workboats)’ training module plus an examination pass certificate

(NOTE: because of the cross syllabus nature of this module and prior knowledge is assumed, it is recommended that the Stability and Seamanship modules are completed before attempting the Workboat Operations training module and exam.)

e) Pass the Master Workboat <500 GT oral examination

f) candidates who have not completed a MCA approved ECDIS course or a NARAS/NAEST course will have their CoC endorsed:

‘Not for use on ECDIS equipped ships after 31 December 2016’.

Candidates with a United Kingdom OOW (Yachts <3000 GT) CoC

To qualify for issue of Master Workboat <500 GT you must meet all of the following requirements:

a) Hold a United Kingdom OOW (Yachts <3000 GT) CoC

b) Complete 12 months sea service since gaining OOW (Yachts <3000 GT), including not less than 120 days watchkeeping service in vessels of 15m or over in loadline length. You must have completed 6 months sea service on a workboat of 15m or over in load line length. (NOTE: your 6 months service on board a workboat can be completed within the 12 months specified above, however this is not mandatory)

c) Have completed the approved Workboat Training Record Book

d) Hold the following additional certificates;

Efficient Deck Hand (EDH) Certificate (If not already completed when doing OOW)

(Chief Mate Level Courses)

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Shorebased certificate. (NOTE: not required if you hold a YM Ocean practical certificate issued before 31st July 2003. If you hold an IYT equivalent certificate the shorebased course is already included and is not a separate requirement)

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean CoC. (NOTE: If you hold a Yachtmaster Offshore or equivalent, you will be issued with Master Workboat less than 500GT Near Coastal. This certificate is for use in UK near coastal waters only)

Certificate of Proficiency in Advanced Fire Fighting (STCW A-VI/3)

Certificate of Proficiency in Medical First Aid (STCW A-VI/4-1)

(Master Level Courses)

Certificate of Proficiency for Person in Charge of Medical Care on Board Ship (STCW A-VI/4-2)

Certificate of successful completion of ‘Seamanship and Meteorology (Master Yachts)’ training module and examination

Certificate of successful completion of ‘Stability (Master Yachts)’ training module and examination

Certificate of successful completion of ‘Business and Law (Master Yachts)’ training module and examination

Certificate of successful completion of ‘Navigation, Radar and ARPA Simulator (Master Yachts)’ training module and examination

Human Element, Leadership and Management (Management Level) Course

Certificate of successful completion of ‘Workboat Operations (Master Workboats)’ training module plus an examination pass certificate

(NOTE: because of the cross syllabus nature of this module and prior knowledge is assumed, it is recommended that the Stability and Seamanship modules are completed before attempting the Workboat Operations training module and exam.)

e) Pass the Master Workboat <500 GT oral examination

f) Candidates who have not completed a MCA approved ECDIS course or a NARAS/NAEST course will have their CoC endorsed:

‘Not for use on ECDIS equipped ships after 31 December 2016’

Candidates with a United Kingdom Master (Yachts <3000 GT) CoC

To qualify for issue of Master Workboat <500 GT you must meet all of the following requirements:

a) You must have completed 6 months sea service on a workboat of 15m or over in load line length.

c) Have completed the approved Workboat Training Record Book

d) Certificate of successful completion of ‘Workboat Operations (Master Workboats)’ training module plus an examination pass certificate

(NOTE: because of the cross syllabus nature of this module and prior knowledge is assumed, it is recommended that the Stability and Seamanship modules are completed before attempting the Workboat Operations training module and exam.)

e) Pass the Master Workboat <500 GT oral examination

f) candidates who have not completed a MCA approved ECDIS course or a NARAS/NAEST course will have their CoC endorsed:

‘Not for use on ECDIS equipped ships after 31 December 2016’.

Candidates with a United Kingdom Class 1 Fishing CoC

To qualify for issue of Master Workboat <500 GT you must meet all of the following requirements:

a) Hold a United Kingdom Class 1 Fishing CoC

b) Complete 6 months sea service in a workboat 15m or over in load line length including not less than 120 days watchkeeping service in vessels of 15m or over in load line length.

c) Have completed the approved Workboat Training Record Book

d) Hold the following additional certificates;

Four elements of STCW Basic Safety Training:

  1. Personal Survival Techniques (STCW A-VI/1-1)
  2. Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (STCW A-VI/1-2)
  3. Elementary First Aid (STCW A-VI/1-3)
  4. Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (STCW A-VI/1-4)

Security Awareness Course (STCW A-VI/6-4)

Certificate of Proficiency for Person in Charge of Medical Care on Board Ship (STCW A-VI/4-2)

Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (CPSC&RB) (STCW A-VI/2-1) or Advanced Sea Survival for Yachtsmen certificate

Certificate of Proficiency in Advanced Fire Fighting (STCW A-VI/3)

Certificate of Proficiency in Medical First Aid (STCW A-VI/4-1

Certificate of successful completion of ‘Workboat Operations (Master Workboats) training module plus an examination pass certificate

(NOTE: Because of the cross syllabus nature of this module and prior knowledge is assumed, it is recommended that the Stability and Seamanship modules are completed before attempting the ‘Workboat Operations (Master Workboats)’ training module and exam.)

Human Element, Leadership and Management (Management Level) Course

GMDSS General Operators Certificate (GOC)

e) Pass the Master Workboat <500 GT oral examination

f) Candidates who have not completed a MCA approved ECDIS course or a NARAS/NAEST course will have their CoC endorsed:

‘Not for use on ECDIS equipped ships after 31 December 2016’

JPMA offer most of the courses needed for this CoC, highlighted in blue on this page. We also offer oral preparation for the MCA Oral Examination, further info on this can be found here along with info on the online NoE application process and online oral exams.

Click here for course dates or email for further information.