“Great instructor, very attentive clear and patient. Great knowledge and very helpful. Lunch was good. Course helped improve my knowledge.”
– AEC 1 Student
A 5 day course, with assessment on last day of course, covering:
- compression ignition engine (general principles);
- cycle of operation and constructional details;
- fuel system;
- role of air in the combustion process;
- cooling system;
- lubrication system;
- engine electrical systems;
- power transmission;
- hull fittings;
- pollution legislation;
- Code of Safe Working Practices;
- bottled LPG installations.
Note: Fault finding and rectification will be covered within each part of the syllabus as the individual topics are covered.
Pre-requisites – Candidates must be 18 years of age or over.
Current Course Fee: £995.00 – includes lunch and morning/afternoon refreshments.
JPMA also offer the AEC 2 course. Click here for details.
click here for course dates
email reception@hss.ac.uk to book this course